How to care for your leather:
It is very important to take care of your leather work to guarantee it’s strength, durability and lifespan.
By looking after and caring for your leather properly, it will prolong it’s lifespan.
However, if you neglect it, it can have the opposite effect on the leath Every leather item I make is lovingly handmade from the best of British leather wherever possible. er.
Use a clean sponge or cloth, dampened with warm water to wipe all mud, dirt and grime from your leather; leave to dry naturally.
Do not attempt to dry your leather in front of an artificial heater of any kind. This will dry the leather out too quickly and make it prone to cracking.
Once dry, apply a small amount of leather dressing or conditioner, using a clean dry cloth.
Apply it sparingly to both sides of the leather and leave to soak in for approximately two hours.
Finally, using a soft brush or a cloth, buff the leather into a shine.

Sedgwick’s Leather Conditioner
All bespoke saddlery and leather work that I make, is lovingly handmade from the best of British leather available on the market, namely Sedgwick’s Leather.
For new leather work, I recommend using Sedgwick Leather Conditioner to condition your leather.
It is formulated with natural ingredients that Sedgwick’s leather was originally curried with and therefore, by using their own formulation, you are replacing the goodness lost through prolonged use.
If you would like to purchase a tub of the Sedgwick’s Leather Conditioner to try, then feel free to click here.
Balmoral Leather Revive Conditioner
When repairing old, existing leather work, I usually wipe it over with the Balmoral Leather Revive Conditioner (as long as it has been sent into me clean).
This conditioner is made from natural products such as beeswax, lanolin and tallow.
From experience of using this product, it really does revive existing used and older leather very well.
If you would like to purchase a tub of the Balmoral Leather Conditioner to try, then feel free to click here.