Blog Post

Building A Workshop

Building A Workshop

Last year my lovely husband managed to get his hands on a second hand shed, big enough for me to have as a Saddler workshop in the back garden of our cottage.

It was never going to be the Ritz of workshops but it certainly will provide me with the space I need to get on and make my exam pieces as well as carry out any bespoke orders or repairs.

Preparing the corner of the patio ready for the shed.
The children help with the ground work

The Demolition Starts

We have quite a large patio, so for ease, we demolished an old pond (that had been drained when we moved in and made into a rockery flower bed), and erected the shed (my workshop) in the corner of the patio.

“It was a bit of a family affair getting it all up and running.”

The children even helped us dig the rockery bed out and flatten the ground so we could set the shed up.


My hubby then draught-proofed it and put the electric in whilst I was away on a training course, which meant I could use it day and night in all weathers.

Laying the floor of the shed down

Homemade Workbench

Hubby also built me a workbench from off-cuts of wooden fence posts that we had lying around from the garden.

All we had to buy was a new piece of MDF from B&Q to make the top and a lower shelf of the bench.

“My workbench is probably THE best thing my husband has ever made me.”

I love the workbench so much and the fact that my hubby made it himself means it’s extra special to me and I wouldn’t swap it for toffee.

Moving In

Since moving in, I have found that it is pretty cold in the workshop during the winter months but nothing a small heater can’t fix.

The summer months will be fab though and I am already spending more time in there than before Christmas.

I seriously cannot wait to be able to see the children playing outside whilst I work from the comfort of my workshop.

Happy Days 🙂 x

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